Calthorpe, Somerset John Gough. Letters from head-quarters; or, Trie realities of the war in the Crimea, by an officer of the staff. Vol I. London. 1857. P. 328.
Calthorpe, Somerset John Gough. Letters from head-quarters; or, Trie realities of the war in the Crimea, by an officer of the staff. Vol I. London. 1857. P. 328.
1152 Там же. С. 366–376.
1152 Материалы для истории Крымской войны и обороны Севастополя. Под ред. Н. Дубровина. Вып. III. СПб., 1872 г. С.
1152 РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 116. Д. 129. Л. 2—4; Там же. Ф. М-1. Оп. 53. Д. 12. Л.
1152 Calthorpe, Somerset John Gough. Letters from head-quarters; or, Trie realities of the war in the Crimea, by an officer of the staff. Vol I. London. 1857. P.